June 2020


The wait is over! We are now open for practice, private lessons, group classes, and online classes. Our priority is keeping everyone safe. Please keep in mind the following information may change as our situation is also changing frequently. Please note all services at Crystal Ballroom will need to be booked in advance.


– Kids and Youth Classes

– Technique Classes

– Online Classes

– Beginner Classes



Services Available

Private and Semi Private Lessons

-Premium Practice Booking – Booking up to 1 week in advance

-Discount Practice Booking – Booking within 48 hours of practice date

-Exclusive Rentals



See Here



Bookings will be open to reservations by phone 604-285-1011.


Covid Policies

Occupancy Limits

Limits will be placed on number of lessons on the floor at a time. We will start with a limit of 3 lessons at a time in Hall A. This may change over time. Maximum Occupancy will be limited and additional guests other than booked parties will not be permitted.


High Touch Surfaces

High Touch Surfaces like Tables, Washrooms Doors and Equipment will be disinfected throughout the day.



Non-Medical masks will be required for everyone in studio who is unable to social distance.



Will be billed at the end of the month. Payments can be made via phone or Credit/Debit card at front desk.


Moving Between Halls

When moving from one hall to another, please bring all your belongings with you.



There will be a one-way path set out for dancers to move from Hall A to Hall B.



One Person will be allowed at a time per washroom. Flip signs will be used.



Tables and Chairs are spaced to maintain social distance.


Disinfectant Spray

Is available for those who feel more comfortable to spray down their seating area.



One couple, or Instructor will be allowed at a time to enter. Please keep social distancing if someone is waiting at the front desk. If you arrive early, please wait outside until your designated arrival time.



All Dancers are encouraged to come in their dance clothes so there is less demand on washrooms for changing.



Food and Beverage Services will be discontinued. No Microwave or water will be provided. Please bring your own Thermoses and Water Bottles.


Additional Policies may be in place in the studio. Staff will be available to help clarify if you have any questions.